Increase in Organic Pageviews

Backlinking SEO Case Study Illuminating Growth in the Organic Skincare Space 98.5%


increase in Organic keywords


increase in Referring domains


Increase in Pageviews


Navigating the Organic Skincare Link-Building Labyrinth.

Link-building stands as a cornerstone for enhancing a brand's visibility in search rankings. However, for our client in the organic skincare industry, identifying the right platforms for link placement was a formidable challenge. From a link-building perspective, organic skincare products, despite their growing popularity, presented a unique challenge. General beauty and lifestyle sites often found the topic too specialized, while niche organic skincare blogs, though relevant, often lacked the substantial audience required to make a significant impact. It was a delicate balance of finding platforms that were neither too broad nor too niche.

Competing in a Saturated Market.

The organic skincare industry is booming, which, while promising for consumers, posed challenges for brands trying to make their mark. The market was flooded with brands, many of which had already invested heavily in SEO. Our client, on the other hand, was relatively new to consistent SEO efforts, making our task akin to building a foundation in a crowded neighborhood.


Despite the challenges, we were undeterred. Drawing from our experience, we identified guest posting as the linchpin of our strategy.Guest posts are a potent tool in the SEO arsenal. They offer brands an avenue to share their message with new audiences and bolster their Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and Domain Authority through backlinks.

Our client had a unique and passionate perspective on organic skincare, emphasizing sustainability, ethical sourcing, and genuine results. Collaborating closely, we crafted insightful and engaging content for high-authority beauty and wellness websites. These posts not only resonated with readers but also enhanced our client’s brand image and visibility.

Finding the right platforms for these guest posts was a journey, but our persistence paid off. We identified sites that were the perfect fit, allowing our client to delve deep into the nuances of organic skincare while reaching a substantial and influential audience.

On the keyword front, we adopted a creative approach. Given the competition for popular keywords, we targeted less conventional yet relevant keywords, giving our client a competitive edge in search rankings.


The outcomes exceeded our expectations. Prior to our engagement, the client registered 44,273 organic pageviews in a month. A mere eight months later, this figure almost doubled, reaching 87,982 organic pageviews.

One of the client’s primary target pages, which initially garnered 85 pageviews a month, witnessed a staggering 400% growth in just ten months.

Furthermore, this target page experienced a 4-point uptick in Page Authority over a year, a 64% boost in organic keywords, and a 102% increase in referring domains.

About the Organic Skincare Platform

Our client is a holistic organic skincare solutions provider, emphasizing natural ingredients and sustainable practices. With the skincare industry flooded with synthetic products, our client is on a mission to offer authentic, effective, and environmentally-friendly alternatives.

For customers, the platform offers a comprehensive range of products, each crafted with care and backed by rigorous research. Every product comes with detailed information about its ingredients, sourcing, and benefits, ensuring consumers make informed choices.

For sellers and suppliers, the platform presents an opportunity to tap into a growing community of organic skincare enthusiasts, streamlining product listings, order management, and customer interactions.

We offer quality Backlinking Services